A Miguel's dick is mostly higher than 7 inches by the time he is aged 15 he wants to change the world by making something but mostly because he wants to get free money from the invention so he never has to work again Miguel is an awesome guy who has been through a lot but makes sure others are happy in the way he never was
Miguel's dick is huge
by I like dictionaries July 10, 2017
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A state in which one of your shorter friends drinks too much. Usually containing but not limited to the following symptoms: Lose of volume controll, belligerent threats to their friends, uncontrollable ripping of fabricks, attempting the 300$$ challenge, late night booty calls, and grinding up against questionably hot asian girls.
If you or any of your friends ever get miguel drunk, please contact a professional emergancy response team because if the state worsens violence may occure
Damn son, you got Miguel Drunk last night and punched a hole through my floor!!
by tom March 18, 2005
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Is a boy who is handsome , into tennis and dogs. He is the nicest guy you’ll ever met and he is not only handsome he is too good in sports that no one can compete with him. If he likes you , he will like you forever and won’t make you sad or angry. If you have a boyfriend called Miguel Ángel you’ll be very lucky!
Boy: who is your boyfriend

Girl: Miguel Ángel

Boy : WHAT!?
by Isabellamay723 December 12, 2019
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When you walk into the bathroom and there a musty smell a a hot dump that has sat there for days to ferment
Kyle: Dude i walked into the bathroom and smell a Musty Miguel
Timmy: Aw that must have been horrible
by Sindof2 October 26, 2011
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A Filipino beer that infuriatingly tries very, very hard to pretend it's Spanish for reasons known only to the company. In the Philippines they also produce a beer called Red Horse, which is stronger than God himself.
San Miguel is Filipino, check Wikipedia! And it's serbesa, not cerveza!
by DaveGranger February 22, 2008
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He's the best singer of all time, yes, under the shower, he's a very attractive, friendly, affectionate boy, a friend of his friends, with a good sense of humor, hot in bed, he loves to travel and discover the world.

You still do not know the great virile member of him? He makes anyone enjoy.
Luis Miguel is too attractive a boy and no one could resist his charms.
by Mike Fenty November 24, 2021
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The original Gold Star. Master wrestler. HUEL extraordinaire. Every girl wants him, every guy wants to be him.
Wow, is that THE Miguel Verde? Gold Star Mike? El Jefe himself?
by theguyinthecubiclenexttoyou December 8, 2022
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