A younger/teenage girl who deliberately comes between a guy she likes & his girlfriend, by pretending to just be a friend then getting him to spend all his time with her, till the girlfriend dumps him. Leaving it clear for her to make a move. - "Pulling a jessy."

Kelly - "What's going on with you & James?"
Melanie - "He's seeing someone right now, but I'm going to pull a jessy."

Jake - "Did you hear about Steve dumping his girlfriend?"
Dan - "Apparently he's seeing some Jessy instead now."
by xrocketpop January 27, 2009
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someone who has no butt, but acts like one everyday. she will become addicted to bouncy balls and then if she loses her favorite ball, she will cry. she loves dogs, and burned marshmallows that get stuck to the bottom of a bowl that doesn't go in the dishwasher. she LOVES to bite people's feet while they are sleeping. overall, she is a nice and very pretty girl
"that was my fish" -jessi
"oh that is such a typical jessi thing to do" -person
by coco bean :)) December 4, 2016
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jessy is een vieze vuile kanker faggot met een lelijke kanke rbaard
by ashur12934 April 18, 2020
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jessie is a rude, loud, opinionated ginger. she never shuts up and will talk until she knows you kmow youre wrong.
guy 1: wow thats girls a b*tch
guy 2: i bet shes a jessie
by jessiehater November 14, 2017
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female 1: *having fun* *laughing*

female 2: *having a nice time*
Jessie: *enters*
both females: *run away holding noses*
by tubby.betch December 1, 2019
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The most wonderful human ever. She makes YouTube videos about Ratatouille and equality.
by A.rat.for.ratatouille April 29, 2018
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Professional Body Builder from Florida, also The 13th houseguest to be evicted from Big Brother 11, one of the most pathetic, yet addictive TV shows ever, next to Jersey Shore. Hopes to wrestle for WWE someday. Also extremely sexy.
Person 1: Did you watch Big Brother 11 last night?
Person 2: Yes, and Jessie Godderz was evicted. Whats the point in watching now?
by shalers. December 15, 2009
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