The act of popping your little sisters cherry, then slurping the blood from her vagina after spit it back through her nose and suck it out through her mouth.
Cindy didn’t wash the dishes so I had to Baby Beetle Juice her.”
by DaddyDjango September 19, 2019
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The central interior of British Columbia is currently experiencing a Pine Beetle Epidemic. Thousands of hectares of pine forests are dead or dying die to infection by pine beetles. The epidemic has partially been caused by Climate Change, because the winters in the interior no longer get cold enough to hold the pine beetle in check.
The Pine Beetle Epidemic is going to kill most of the trees in Interior British Columbia.
by moonbug November 13, 2006
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A beetle that is very elusive and is present during the warm months. If bit by a Rocky Mountain Lumberjack Beetle your testicles will swell to the size of the Rocky Mountains. If you are a girl that is bit you will grow balls the size of the Rocky Mountains. The bite is extremely painful.
If you see a Rocky Mountain Lumberjack Beetle run for your fucking life!
by J4or August 7, 2015
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When trying to flip your partner over for doggy-style sex is met with great resistance
Heather was down for some drunk fucking, but when I tried to flip her over for doggystyle we ended up having a Puerto Rican beetle fight for 10 mins
by jizzlemcgrizzle August 12, 2011
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A person who's genetic makeup contains the DNA of both a human and a beetle, causing them to mutate and be a general jackass
Go die you beetle-human hybrid. I hate you and so does everyone else in this room.
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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When a nigga is such a bitch that his bitch matter has formed into a chytin shell around his body, turning him into a beetle bitch.
"Aye bro, you're trash at fortnite." - big biggity beetle bitch
"Why you gotta be such a big biggity beetle bitch all the time?" - niggato
by ll_akira_ll November 9, 2018
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