Bob: Hey Joe, did you do that english assignment?
Joe: yeah, that thing was 51 flavors of retarded
by Vice President November 18, 2006
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Shellie is boobless is an even more sophisticated schoolboy trick than any of the other calculator numbers on this website, man! i.e 710 77345
"check out that chick shellie!"
"Yeah! 55378008 51 3177345!"
by fake November 15, 2003
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Yesterday, September 20th, 2019- a date which will live in infamy-the United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naruto runners and kyles of the Empire of Reddit. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Reddit on Friday, September 20th, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Reddit Empire.
The Karens took us by surprise on our left flank during the Area 51 raid, we never saw it coming
by epicgamer678 August 29, 2019
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A Day To Celebrate The Day We All Got Together To Naruto Run And Have Fun Like Total Crackheads.
Yo Happy Area 51 Day
by MSKG October 3, 2019
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The raid that was supposed to happen on the September 20th, 2019, with almost 3 million people saying they would come, but turned into a festival with 150 people attending, instead. It was enjoyable either way.
Guy 1: The Area 51 raid was disappointing.

Guy 2: Nah, it was great. I had a lot of fun.
by UwOOwU September 28, 2019
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Cringy Facebook meme that a bunch of Redditors and normies think is so hilarious, they will never stop reposting their cringeworthy attempts at humor.

It's not funny, it's never going to be funny, and if you think it's funny - there's a better than average chance most of your friends only begrudgingly tolerate you.
Person: Haha bro, you going to the Area 51 raid?
Any respectable person: Fuck off you cringy autist
by Ayylmaoman July 25, 2019
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A massacre that happened in Amargosa Valley at U.S. top secret facility Area 51 on Sept. 20, 2019. We lost over five hundred thousand of our best redditers that day.
Presidential tweet moments after the Great Area 51 Massacre:

"Yesterday, Sept 20, 2019—a date which will live in infamythe United States of America's top secret facility was deliberately attacked by millennials and Gen Z forces by the empire of Reddit."
by DidacticDolphin July 13, 2019
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