The word comes into play when you write a sentence is such a way that the verb/noun wouldn't fit.
so bc your non-native English speaking ass learned that directly translating a word from your native language can work you try it here.
it doesn't work.
A: So with all my Knowings-
B: Wtf are Knowings
by Nokumoma December 3, 2022
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Use this word, when you want to name a completely random unspecified place from anywhere on the Earth, which is most likely far away from the place you are currently at.
Me: "Dude, my postal servcice just told me they mixed up my package and sent it to somoene else, but they cannot find out to who!"
My friend: "Damn, that sucks! Where do you think the package is now?"
Me: "I don't know. It's probably far away in God-knows-where-land by now."
by Mates112150 July 19, 2023
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When someone has not officially came out of the closet, but you are fairly certain of their orientation.
Jon:" Hey did you hear Vince and Angie broke up? Yeah he moved in with Sean in an apartment on South Beach."

Paul: "Yeah that guy says he's not gay, but heknows where the pond is.
by Travya August 19, 2008
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I won’t let you go. I’ll show you the world if you say so. Oh she’s so bad, i’ll make it last. And baby i can’t leave you aLOOOONNEEEEE WE’LL TAKE THE HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN AND I CANT WAIT TO LOVE YOU ALL ALONE
Do you ever just, “baby you should know, i won’t let you go”, or are you normal
by washmewhep washmenene August 24, 2020
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Person A: Teacher can i go to the bathroom?
Teacher: I dont know, can you?! 1?1!1!?11!!1
*Person A is annoyed as fuck*
Person A: Fuck you stupid fucktard teacher. Suck my balls and lick my ass!
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