A master of blending in any situation given while looking the exact same. During real life.
A Dr. Waldo:"Hey, check this out"
*Enters crowd of jocks*
Random guy:"Where the fuck did he go?!?"
by Chopersword9 May 24, 2011
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An asshole of a dentist that should leave Seth alone. Even if Seth is the main problem, Miga needs to fucking stop and check his privelages.
News Flash: He doesnt have any. PM Day will back me up on this.

Stay away from the floss, it'll fuck you up big time man
"Dr. Migaku is a bitch. 0/10 recommend him."
by Sparkofstatic May 20, 2020
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Someone who claims and brags about his PhD, but might not actually have one.
This doctor is a Dr. D.
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A doctor who grabs your dick too long in a physical.
Dude I went to the doctor's office the other day and the doctor was totally a dr. jimmy!
by ElfDragon27 July 27, 2015
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That person who works out that goes on and on about types of nuts and what constitutes a “nut
Dude, Dr. Nut was being a prick and kept telling me that cashews aren’t really nuts.
by 20Jawless March 2, 2021
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