The sluttiest, kinkiest, lowest self-esteem sexual repertoire known to man. Porn stars all over the world are scared even to consider performing this drastic, yet vaguely tantalizing move. Proceed with caution.
Dude 1: Man, I just got done with a Canada's History!

Dude 2: You survived??
by theRatCatcher February 5, 2010
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The vile act of having sex while one person is wearing moose antlers and the other is bent over the Stanley cup with her head in the cup, which is filled with maple syrup. Note: some forms include both people being covered in maple syrup
Hockey Player 1: Hey hoser, I had a wild night last night.

Hockey Player 2: What did you do eh?

Hockey Player 1: I brought this hoset back to my place and went all Canada's history on her!
by colbertnationdotcom February 10, 2010
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a bukkake performed by a herd of moose.
i can't go to the winter Olympics because I'm afraid I might get caught in Canada's history.
by dirk dizzler February 5, 2010
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A sex act that is too discusting for broadcast on network television.

It can also be likened to female anatomy or furry woodland creature (beaver).
I asked her to perform Canada's History, so she asked her sister to join us.
by ColbertReportFan February 5, 2010
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Doing a hooker bareback on a moose with syrup on it while galloping towards the Stanley Cup
Last night, I tried Canada's History. It was exhilarating.
by Richard Dick Swett February 5, 2010
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the act of taking the Stanley cup, half of a rack of moose antlers, a jug of maple syrup and a syringe full of urine and placing them into a woman's vagina/anus.
"i gave Megan a canada's history last night, it was RIDICULOUS!"
"shit man a canada's history?! where'd you get the Stanley cup from?!?"
by richard swet February 5, 2010
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