A person who tries to be in charge of a situation, but no one ever listens.
At the party she was emperoring the people into doing what she wanted but they ended up doing what they wanted.
by kdizzlefoshizzle5678 November 14, 2012
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A lifeguard, because he rules the beach or the poolside
Dammit! That damn barefoot emperor was watching me from his guardstand and got all cheesed off at me for throwing a Frisbee!
by Sparkina1967 June 17, 2012
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snow likes elsa a lot. don't judge.
emperor snow is best emperor
Hey Snow, Elsa is hot!
by lord red, cake lord November 6, 2020
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A bad animator that post his bad animations on youtube for the sole reason of "yes"
Person: why did emperor fetus upload another animation?
Emperor Fetus: yes
by rtx morshu March 9, 2022
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The supreme lord of America who wants to build a wall to secure his castle so he can finally focus on becoming a full orange and using his ultimate power to delete China and trap all of the silly silly libtards in a safe corner prison.
Emperor Trump is not pleased with you Obama.
by Magic music man December 31, 2020
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Emperor of 政大帝國
Champ, the emperor of greater 政大 empire 我很好,你好不好?

by Mohammed bin Abdul Rahim November 21, 2021
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