Lets contrast the qualifications of of Arnold vs. Gray.
Arnold has accomplished every goal he has ever set for himself and successfully maintained them in every field that he has ever attempted; fitness (Mrs. universe, holds numerous other records as most firt man) business (he has a number of successfull enterprises a few of which predate his film career), film (he has built himself into one of the most bankable stars in hollywood in the last twenty years) politics (he places high values on education and children's programs, and started a successful charter to encourage youth fitness in the early nineties).
He is a left-leaning republican whose greatest political influence is the Kennedy family and a first hand experience of the American dream.... but the bottom line is Arnold is good with money.... Davis is not (good god he's not!)
by Anonymous October 8, 2003
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"The Government in this town is excellent and uses your tax dollars efficiently" - Ron Swanson
by Ya Boi Steve March 25, 2019
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Just another company with an military behind it. A pest that drains the blood of hard working citizens. An addiction to the poor and a excuse to make us dumb, using us for greed. We the people should limit them, not the opposite.
That government already has you thinking we have freedom. Try not losing a job with freedom of speech.
by AlwaysSecondBest October 18, 2018
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A term for a really fat kid who has bad facial hair and plays Yu-Gi-Oh. They are commonly seen in highschools and are known to wear really hideous clothing. Oh, and they're really loud and drive ugly ass crappy white cars. Falls in love with fat ugly chicks over the internet and calls them his girlfriend.
I wish that that Governer would shut the fuck up because he's so loud, fat and annoying.

Hey look! It's a Governer, oh my god I just puked a little in my mouth.

Oh man that Governer is so big he can't fit through the cafeteria door.
by Debora September 2, 2007
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A government is a group with predatory instincts who possess neither the capital to form a corporation nor the singular bravery of common thieves.
Our Government is a group of cowards and thieves, but I repeat myself.
by Tomicus May 17, 2009
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Government is when one man decides that he needs to control the crazy unpredictable animals called people. So he gets some followers, makes rules. If you dont follow them, he has people beat you up and lock you in a cage for a few years. (AKA Policemen)
by QueensrycheFan666 July 29, 2011
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