A person that is very annoying and has weird facial features
"Did you see her that fuck faced donkey"
by ThatPotatoAsh March 1, 2017
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Inspired by the gay faggot on American Idol 6.

A person that cannot sing at all

Also used for a person with no talent.

An ugly fucking retarded piece of shit who smiled like a fuck face when he was uncomfortable (every judging).

A person who never cries when all judes, bosses, peers insult the living shit out of them....but rather just throws on a fake big ass loser fag smile.

Also fuck face sanjayaing:

A person really bad at coming with snappy comebacks....only gives lame and boring replies.
Rupe, see that hot girl with the massive boobs, thats fuck face sanjayas sister.

Stop fuck face sanjayaing....youve lost the war.

by .Omar. April 27, 2008
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I wonder if they've found a cure for GW Bush's fuck face-itis.
by amateur doc April 23, 2004
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is a naked albino man, bent over a log with and ugly bitch sticking a huge black dildo in his asshole
yo man look at that fuck face overthrow hes such a fucking loser
by crips d March 14, 2003
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A face usually given in disgust or in discontent with a situation. It involves any facial gesture that, literally, makes someone say "What the fuck?"
All through study-hall, Tiras would stare at Rebecca. Rebecca just glared over at Tiras like he was a creeper with a what the fuck face.
by Ready-Liver May 10, 2009
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