A mysterious black hole in cyberspace, which swallows up development dollars and causes sales to vanish into nothingness.

Hits to its URL are said by experts to be rarer than Bigfoot sightings.
I opted into Ebay Express six months ago and haven't sold a freaking thing since.
by Degu July 11, 2008
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When you get caught up in the moment of an auction or online purchase and buy something you don't really need.
Person 1: Uh why do you have 14 wine bottle stoppers?

Person 2: Ugh, i was shopping online and just had to have them, it's like my brain was taken over by the computer, stupid stupid ebay effect.
by Stoolie May 23, 2014
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The process of drinking a shit ton of alcohol and buying random things off ebay.
Man Isk jfust dravnk 3 40s! Imd gojhna bjy pokhnom emferald! Imn not drunk ebaying!!!!!!11
by Syd Syd Syd November 7, 2009
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A person who masturbates to pictures of used underwear auctions on ebay possibly because they cannot access any other internet porn or because they have a used underwear fetish.
"Pink silk panties size XX large, no reserve" -- Sounds like ebay wanker bait!
by Rut January 29, 2006
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An online gamer that buys (with real money) currency in an online world (pretend money) from someone who's really good at figuring out how to make money in an online world.

The exchange rate can be outrageous... 20 million in-game currency units for 10-20 actual dollars.
Pythagoras: "That level TWO Cleric just gave me a million gold pieces for no reason!"

Fluffybunny: "Methinks I smell an eBay Millionaire."
by Anonymus Bosch October 17, 2006
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When two or more users will try to outbid one another, usually near the expiration of an auction, with low bids from the final minutes to higher bids of the last few seconds of the said event. As well, there is an overwhelming sense of Ebay jeebies when "engaged" in an eBay War.
User1 (Texas): "Dj_Krack_a_Lack_a isn't gonna get that last copy of the unedited Korean-bootleg version of Napolean Dynamite, with 5 seconds of additional bonus footage, and a new catch phrase, even if I have to bid $100!"
User2 (New York): "Why won't EM0K!D1234 give up? I'm getting that DVD!"
User3 (Toronto): "I'll just click the BuyItNOw! and end this eBay War"
by yetanotherdj August 30, 2006
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n. Lady or Homosexual male who no longer buys even the smallest item retail, but rather will search for and purchase it on eBay.
"She has the new Dior already?! I wonder how much she paid for it..."
"Girl probably less than $200, you know she an eBay queen."
by redgyul September 21, 2004
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