a musician who's one of the members of the candyskins to sing childrens songs.
"we are listening to nick cope."
by 3465 June 12, 2020
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When a previously heterosexual male decides to become gay due to the female dating scene being too difficult to master.
"Yeah man, dating guys is way easier. It's all femboys for me from here on out."
"Well son, it seems to me you've deployed the gay cope."
by TedKFan69 April 4, 2023
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One or more humans who stand on the coping of a skatepark. Most common when it’s not their turn to ride.
That scooter kid won’t get off the coping, their such a Coping Ferret.
by Ferret Slayer July 12, 2021
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When someone tells themselves or believes in something thats a delusion to make them feel better about themselves or their situation in life.
John: Dude im an 8/10, a girl I like said i was.
Jimmy: Are you dating this girl?
John: No she friendzoned me. She said I wasn't her type.
Jimmy: John your obviously not an 8/10, if you were she wouldn't have friendzoned you. Saying "you're not my type" is a virtue signal, meaning she doesn't find you attractive. Stop Coping, exept reality, and reject delusion.
by acceptreality June 4, 2023
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A term used to refer to a person’s attempt at dealing with a situation that makes them feel sad or uneasy in order to feel better.
Denial is a mechanism that people use to cope.
by s0cr4t3s August 20, 2022
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In the world of gaming, the process of dealing with something and getting over it. Its a way of saying "stop crying about it and deal with hit harder". Also a synonymous of "trying harder" or "sweating".
-Gamer 1: Bro your busted ass gun one shots me every time
-Gamer 2: Cope harder and stfu
by \/ALE July 26, 2021
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Used by politically extreme closeted 4chan pedophiles / people who don't go outside when they are essentially losing in argument online.
by makingweemad October 24, 2023
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