Social Cove is an online discord server created by YouTuber Okxeir (formerly known as Neexus). This hangout server is used to discuss meaningful topics about society, who you really are, and dumb things too. You’ll find channels for memes, qotd’s, and even a channel to help you with your homework!
Person 1: Dude where have you been?

Person 2: Sorry man, I was in a voice call on Social Cove. They’re always playing Lo-fi beats, it’s really fun.

Person 2: That seems really fun, maybe I should join! :Wide:
by 3cupohoney March 29, 2021
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A lounge in Atlanta where cool black people hang out.
Let’s get some lamb chops at Copper Cove
by PsychicNeem November 23, 2021
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John: Yo bro, how i ur coving
Edward: I dunno man, im kind of DYING
by Autyzm-kun September 19, 2020
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Meaning: to cover something in love.
"Do you like your new puppy?"
"I cove it!!!!'"
by Ducky838 September 25, 2016
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Forgot rating a person 1 to 10, instead try using the “Cove” scale whenever you are describing how you would rate another person to a friend.

The cove scale is a rating from 1 - 4

1 - I wouldn’t date them and I don’t know why anybody else would.

2 - I wouldn’t date them but I can see why other people would.

3 - I would date them but I can see why other people wouldn’t.

4 - I would date them but I can see why other people would.
Met this girl last night at the club, she was 4 on The “Cove” Scale
by YungJezus June 12, 2022
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Lightly sweeping one's tongue and/or lips over a woman's vagina in a teasing fashion.
Chris use to tell me stories about how he'd be cove coasting Sabrina and how wild it would drive her.
by Ceerip 707 April 14, 2021
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