When your friend is constantly blowing you off (Juicin') when your tryin to hang and smoke the GANJA, for stupid shit like..Hanging with girlfriend/boyfriend or being a raging faggot.
Tyler: Yo where my boy Matt at?!!

Mitch: Hell if i know he keeps blowin me off for stupid shit.

Tyler: DAAAYUUMM! he's on that Steady Juice!
by Its9INCHiSwear March 22, 2010
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The feeling when you are really high and it feels like your heart stopped and you think you just died.
Cody: Are you alright?
Tyler: Yeah dude i was just straight steady dippin.
by cmor9 October 18, 2010
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A group of six girls from Guernsey. The group is Ashley, Jo, Grace, Alex, Julia and Abbie
An example of a Steady Eddie is Ash-Bash, Jowanna, Garce, Henry, Jewelle and Kebab
by S.Eddie May 27, 2008
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The Crack Rock Steady 'family' is the name associated to a group of bands who share/shared band members and play similar styles of music. Bands include Choking Victim, Crack Rock Steady 7, Leftover Crack, INDK and No Ca$h.

They mostly play punk and skacore.
Catch 22 are not skacore.
by mink May 29, 2005
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"Steady, As She Goes" is the debut single by the rock band The Raconteurs from their first album Broken Boy Soldiers. I consider it pretty nice, but for some reason, people hate it and get annoyed by the voice of the singer. Well, I can't stand these people. If you hate a song, just don't listen to it.
A: *listens to music on the iPod*
B: Hey dawg can I have an earmuff?
A: Uh, are you sure? You're only into rap and stuff and I don't have lots of that. And right now the next song is-
B: Yuh, yuh. Whatevs. Just gimme the earmuff.
*Steady as she goes starts playing*
A: Told you.
by Hey Dora May 29, 2011
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If you’re on a “steady diet of rabbit”, it means you’re having tons of sex, aka screwing like rabbits.
Girl: “Judy seems different lately, she’s always so happy.”
Guy: “Oh that’s cause she’s been in a steady diet of rabbit ever since her and Joe got together.”
by TheCanon13 November 9, 2017
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The point at which a bathroom becomes one in & one out. Can be as a result of only one available toilet but ultimately occurs when the demand for humans to release their toxins becomes greater than the supply of facilities, which causes a line to form outside the bathroom.
Dude 1: Dude, I've gotta piss like a race horse.

Dude 2: Me too bro. Let's go find a tree, this bathroom has been steady state for days.

Pedestrian Canadian: steady state bathroom, eh?
by JBaughlin May 5, 2011
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