Where you throw up a whole moutian of pruke, most likely after a long nite of drinkin
Hey joe go check out that moutian spew over there that ryan left for you
by pruke man 1000 August 19, 2009
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To warn someone in the subject line of an email that they shouldn't read it with a mouthful of anything, or it might wind up on their screen, or keyboard...

"A little joke for you >Spew Alert<"

"Damn, Dave should have given me a spew alert before mailing me the goatse, I need a new keyboard"
by MedPig October 26, 2007
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When feces exits your butthole at a very fast pace. Usually refers to diarrhea.
Friend1: I'm going to go spew feces into the shitter.
Friend2: Roger that!

*Shitting noises*
by UnitPunch January 8, 2012
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someone who ruins someone's house at a house party by spewing everywhere
hermione highfield is a spew bomb
by ronweasley1234 September 11, 2017
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(onomatopoeic) This is when you are sitting at your computer, with a mouthful of a beverage and/or food, and you see something so funny that you reflexively laugh.
Thanks for posting that picture of that fat girl in Walmart falling out of her halter top. Now there is gufwarfle spew all over my monitor.
by liznetu July 30, 2010
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When you chunky spew in the shower and have to smoosh it down the drain.
Bro, I spew and smooshed last night. I had Taco Bell on my way home haha!
by DunnWendt April 18, 2020
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When ur brain suddenly remembers that thing it couldn't think of anywhere up to hours earlier and u can help but say it out loud and feel so much better for doing so!
I just had a brain spew! That guys name i couldnt remember that I gave a hand job to in church that day was andy!! Handy andy!
by Nalker nalker November 16, 2012
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