May 8
The birthday and celebration of the most wonderful woman in the world. Do not call her Rachel.
Sofia: “Man! Today is National Rachael Day! Let’s get her some gifts to show her how much we appreciate her!”
Cameron: “Alrighty.”
by kawaiiuser69 February 3, 2020
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The most amazing couple ever seen. They're best friends. They fight a lot but they get through it no matter what. They have so many differences and yet so many similarities. This couple has been goin strong since September 27, 2009 and they'll continue for the longhaul! (:
That couple is so cute, they're such a Rachael and Troy couple!

Awe That's so cute! It's just like watching Rachael and Troy.
by greeencupcakess! March 7, 2012
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Rachael is a girl boss and won’t let petty shit get in her way. She’s that friend who’s honest and tells you when you got a booger in your nose or a veggie in your teeth. She’s a no shit, no rubbish gal. She has an obsession with hot Cheetos and KitKats. She sometimes acts like a mother, sometimes like an drunk rabbit. She will probably be single for the rest of her life because she moves on from guys like she’s hopping from one foot to the next. She will only stop for that one guy who has glasses but is hot. Warning to all guys: she is short so is the perfect height, just make sure she eats her veggies
Rachael Kim is so short. And what makes me mad is she doesn’t eat her veggies
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has an attitude. kinda a bitch. very sassy and likes to get her way. but she actually loves like everyone
Rachael Smith sucks
by plssendhelp January 17, 2019
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Small asian girl who acts all innocent but is the biggest fucking blint you’ll ever meet. But honestly is an Oathy cunt and can rip a bloody big cone if she’s in the mood. Has a great ass (I would know). Sucked and dated nearly every penis in year 9 and up..... honestly a fucking skunk and needs to get her ugly ass dog rat off her Snapchat. She’s a one of a kind and not in a good way she may be hot on the outside but on the inside she’s as dark to dump you and then sleep with your bestfriend.
That girl thinks she’s a Rachael liu......... bahahahaha I hope not!
by Groggyman1113 June 25, 2018
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The most real definition of true love! When their friendship is so strong and they enjoy each others company! They are lovers and friends! He makes her laugh so much! They are playful and fun and flirty! The most perfect relationship that almost feels too good to be true! The pinch me I’m in a fairytale kind of love! The intimacy is out of this world! They were made for each other in the bedroom and the most passion one can experience! He makes her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world! He loves her well and she loves him hard! Just the thought of him makes her cheeks tingle! She falls more and more in love with him every single day! The made for each other kind of love! You can be guaranteed a lifetime of happiness! Love knows no bounds for her and she will always love him with everything she’s got!
You’re so lucky, you have a love like Chad and Rachael!

I want a Chad and Rachael kind of love!
by 11IlllllI11 November 29, 2022
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