1) A person who leaches off its host, by taking any money they did not earn, by means of the host's wages, retirement, or other sources of income, and making no effort themselves to become self-sustaining and a functioning member of society, so that they themselves can become an independent being

2) A person who takes all of what another owns, e.g., property or money, and leaving them with very little to survive, nearly killing off its host, sometimes through the assistance of another, such as an attorney who is no different, who may assist with the slow death of its host through a sales pitch to the judge, that their client deserves to suck it's host dry of its money through alimony
"That poor excuse of a woman is such a parasite, living off her ex husband's money that she never worked for. She should get up and get a job so she can provide for herself. "
by Ex's Take My Life April 8, 2018
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A username, handle or screen name that feeds off the popularity of the same username, screen name, or handle. When more than one user has the same screen name, and the other user has attempted to mimic the language of the first user to make the post look like it came from someone else.
The parasite now has your screen name and started trying to copy the way you talk to make it look like it was all your posts.
by Solid Mantis September 10, 2019
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A parasite is a thing in which sticks to people and acts like one of them. It is a fake bug and can cause memory changes to adapt to the parasite. Kind of like people.
"The parasite is trying to stick to me"
"Dont you mean Yuka?"
"Exactly thats what a parasite is!!"
by Minehodgid October 29, 2018
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Person A) How's (Insert name)?
Person B) Meh, their taking meds, but it is what it is; once a parasite, always a parasite.
by Dong Wan January 7, 2022
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A selfish, opportunistic, pretentious, self server with the ability to charm its victims at best, and coerce its victims at worst to hand over what they want, without giving said victim anything in return. Normally leaving victim destitute, demoralized, and traumatized in the process.

A parasite may have many forms, from butt kissing college student to fascist dictator. Parasites typically turn on the charm to win people over, patiently climb the ladder to success, and then become tyrannical or just leave you for dead and move on to the next victim.

Synonyms: Mooch, Weasel, Hustler, Con Man, Hooker, Professional Victim, Politician
Bernie Madoff was a sociopathic parasite toward his investors. He gained their trust and completely exploited that trust to serve his own selfishness and greed.
by Butterfinger April 1, 2022
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