When I walk by the cemetery high, I get no swan-warts, whats or ever. Its like, I hav balls ov steel... only when I do White Widow though, or wen I take my stoopid meds... *Kix Rox*
by Jujo-Palabritas-Genio August 28, 2016
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When I walk by the cemetery high, I get no swan-warts, whats or ever. Its like, I hav balls ov steel... only when I do White Widow though, or wen I take my stoopid meds... *Kix Rox*
by Jujo-Palabritas-Genio August 28, 2016
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the warts on a penis mostly common on people whos names start with josh
yo josh you got a serious case of penis warts
by hijoshhehehe December 17, 2019
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Having warts in areas like the ass, dick, pussy, or titties. Can tranfer stds so be safe. Currently has no cure and is not to be confused with War Thunder.
"He'll never get bitches he has wart hunder." "Yo that hoe got wart hunder you gon get aids."
by Disease Specialist February 16, 2023
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A infection caused by a type of HPV
1) What is a plantars wart?
2) I have a plantars wart .
by Starbucks572 October 27, 2017
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