An informal, derogatory term for American Civil War 2.0 combatants who are regarded or treated as expendable by MAGA insurgency in the face of enemy fire.
You had the internets, we had automatic weapons, God and the Qanon fodder.
by Northern Monkeys January 12, 2021
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To describe a woman who is used as a placeholder by a man when his girlfriend is not present. Side-hoe, Side piece
Nathan told Mark that Natalie was just Male Canon Fodder until Brianna came back from vacation.
Maria told her friend Diana that she felt like she was was just Male Canon Fodder to Henry because Amy was working and he wanted love.
by KingDoubleC May 10, 2019
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Toilet paper or Roll used to clean up after you nip one off.
Excuse me darling! would you pass me a roll of arse fodder, I have just nipped one off.
by Blue Cawdrey November 19, 2004
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An album that isn't worth hanging onto in its bulky physical form (cd, tape, album), but it's worth loading into your iPod (in its entirety, or selected songs) and keeping electronically.
After going through my old CD collection, there were some CDs I decided to keep, but some were just pod fodder: I downloaded the stuff I wanted to keep, then sold the disks as used.
by JonInBoston September 4, 2007
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reading material only ever likely to be consumed in the toilet
Don't throw that magazine away yet. Put it as can fodder in the bog.
by Mivoat December 15, 2010
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A large number of workers employed for work in ionizing radiation, because they will be burned out.
We'll need a lot of gamma fodder to clean up that radioactive spill.
by Ron Davis July 22, 2003
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A person who is extremely susceptible to joining a cult due to their naivety and traumatic past.
Did you hear Sally is a Scientologist now? She was always a little ditzy and her dad was an alcoholic or something, total cult fodder.
by catsooop February 21, 2017
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