Martins Ferry, Ohio. The first settlement in Ohio. The city is right on the Ohio River. You go down the highway 1.5 miles and cross a bridge and you are in Wheeling,WV.(love those 304 boys)

"Sparky is a Rider" & "Beat Bellaire, Shred the Reds" Are a few of our High School's Motto's

Martins Ferry, Ohio. A great place to grow up, but once you're grown there's nothing to do and no jobs.
by Capital City Chick Now March 25, 2009
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Sex act involving 2 men and 1 woman. The woman has to be lying down so that one of the men can urinate on her chest while the other man titty-fucks her, in essence creating a ferry between her tits.
Damn, that weekend got so crazy I got to Fire Island Ferry that girl!
by gruntificus December 10, 2009
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A class of ferry used in Sydney Harbour. There were originally 6 Gen 1 Emeralds running on inner harbour routes in Sydney. These ferries worked great for the most part with very little problems except transport minister Andrew Constance trying to name one "FerryMcFerryFace". However one night Andrew was jerking himself off thinking of trains in his asshole when he thought of one of the most retarded ideas known to man... Replace the Manly Ferries with Emeralds. Andrew then proceeded order 3 new Gen 2 Emeralds FROM CHINA. Andrew assumed that these INNER HARBOUR ferries were capable of handling the swells of Sydneys heads. After months of delay the new Emerald class ferries arrived and..... Lets just say things went to shit instantly. Shortly after they were put into service leaks were found in the rudders and they were taken out of service. Then one day when the "Balmoral" was doing tests in 2 metre swells ITS FUCKING WINDOW AND RUDDER SMASHED! Despite Transdev saying they could handle 4 metre swells. Not long after the "Clontarf" shit itself and its propeller broke while on a test run! Shortly after that CRACKS were found in the hull of the Balmoral! During all of this it was found that THE FERRIES COULDNT EVEN DOCK AT THE FUCKING WHARF IN LOW TIDE! Like holy shit how hard is it to make a boat that can FUCKING DOCK PROPERLY! Despite all these dangerous problems Transdev insists that these are just minor problems!
My kayak is more safe than an Emerald class ferry.
by Notakneegrowth December 31, 2022
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The most outstanding most beautiful creature too graze this earth and truly a blessing to anyone who is fortunate enough to cross paths with her. Hey face will melt your heart and beyond that her personality is one of a kind with a bit of sarcasm but not too much just enough to make you smile
Alexandra Nicole Ferris is Amazing.
by Dogcat78 April 5, 2019
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Really not much better than Grand Rapids Community College and thats not saying mcuh. Its the worst college ever in a shithole town where the most popular place has poverty night just to get people in there.

I cant wait to get out of this shithole town where FSU is.
I cant wait to get out of this shithole town where Ferris State University is.
by FSU09 April 17, 2009
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When someone puts ÿ in their bioline in and it fucks up the room.
Was that Pat Sajak and the Whéél of Fortuné? No, it was just a Mexican Ferris Wheel.
by Shadow March 25, 2003
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The shit college. Only hotties like Sara and Eric can go there. FUck yah Ferris
I got fucked by a hot bitch at Ferris State University last weekend.
by Holla April 8, 2005
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