An Essay is a multiple paragraph sentence did in english or other classes, Teachers will give you a few weeks to get them done, when you finished with the Essay you check it, and make sure it’s making sense then you submit it to be Graded
Unlike if your just sitting on your phone on Urban Dictionary, looking up the word “Essay” and not typing your Essay about “George Washington” that’s due 3 weeks later so you better go get that Essay done before it’s too late
if you don’t finish your Essay by 4/12/2022 you will fail your classes and you will make sure to do that Essay next time.
Person 1: *types essay about summer school* i can’t do it anymore it’s too long
Parents: Better get your Essay done.. or i will take your phone!
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here March 7, 2022
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the art of extending a single strand of bullshit to create a maximally longer strand of the same bullshit.
Hey, did you finish that bullshit essay?
Yeah, I just mixed in some other bullshit to make it long enough to be called an essay.
by Noxillio July 6, 2020
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A thing that is really pointless (in my opinion) and makes writing not fun.
Wow, I really hate essays because they are pointless and are not fun to do.
by HaVinG A gOoD TimE March 19, 2019
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A brutal force of torture used by teachers to harass you.
Teacher: Today in class we are writing an essay!
All students the next day have not come back to school
by IHateSchoolandSoDoYou March 31, 2022
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writing 50 different and original answers for 50 EXACT SAME GOD DAMN QUESTIONS
Friend: "Hey wanna come and have a life with me"
Person: "No I got to go waste my life writing an essay on a pointless subject I don't care about"
by ygdebuixfgbhuckrefebhunfd March 8, 2017
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