The hair cut that most wife beater, open front hollister wearing fuck boys have that flips up in the front.
Did you see the rad brad chad with the queef coif?
by 603WonderWoman June 24, 2023
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A gig queef is that puff of hot, moist air that escapes a crowd at gigs.
"Did you feel that gig queef? It hit me right in the face! 😖"
by Vanityvmodel May 9, 2016
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Noun, similar to creampie, the cum from a womans cooch
Joey: Dude, did you suck down Jenny's Queef Sugar last night?

David: Hell yeah man!
by Derpolas March 24, 2014
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To sneeze with your eyes open causing an expulsion of air from behind the eye out through the eyelids.
In perfect tandem the pollen reached her nose as the shock of seeing her estranged sister forced her eyes open, an eye queef would be their "how we met story."
by FuckItFriday September 18, 2021
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a bucket that a man makes a woman squat over and blast out any extra air she may have trapped up her cum canal before sex. Because let's face it, there's nothing more gross than a pussy fart.
Klaus made Helga wear the queef bucket on her head as he kicked her out of his house for being a lousy fuck.
by a fat owl March 11, 2014
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A smarmy little shit who thinks they're being funny, usually laughing at their own joke, when in fact their jokes are just dumb and annoying.
Bill: "Hey man, you get a haircut?"
Joe: "No, I got them ALL cut! hahahehaheheha"
Bill: "Don't be a fucking queef-beaver, Joe."
by DrDax December 12, 2012
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Synonym for Chug Jug item in the video game Fortnite
Hey I’m man I’m low and health you got shields or a Queef Juice?
by Some Guy •_• August 27, 2018
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