when you love so much that you'd die for them
by 28possum November 8, 2021
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Well hate is someone not liking you out all. Also, some people giving out dislike comment like hate comments.
by Blank words April 13, 2021
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a word that should never be used in dance class
i hate aramandi
by kolatta January 4, 2022
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It can mean two things, you strongly dislike a person or if it happens to be opposite day it means they are cool and/or swag if you roll that way. It can also be said in a jokingly manner, in the end words are a made up concept
“Dude I hate you
“You don’t mean that”
“Yeah lol I was joking
by scoliosis April 23, 2021
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Your so pissed that you smashed your keyboard and hit everyone you see and blame them and try and K.O. them
I hate you!!!!!! I will K.O. you
by Muffled Cupcake August 6, 2021
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A strong, but normally accurate word.
Kid: I hate that Billy, he keeps picking his nose in class (sorry not sorry to all the Billy's reading this).
Mom: Don't use hate, it's a strong word.
Kid: Yeah... but it accurately portrays my feelings towards this human being that needs to be thrown into the fiery pits of hell! Haha ^^
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