an all round freak of nature who is stupid as fuk and needs to learn basic social cues
normal person: omg have you seen that new girl aimee jackson or smth

normal persons friend: yeah she is SO weird such a cretinous bastard honestly needs to wise up
cretinous bastard: my name is just aimee
by whole of ormeau November 29, 2022
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I praise anarchism and peace, but acab men. All cops are bastard.
by dovahkiin4201 December 15, 2018
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a person who sharts aggressively without a filter
mike farted so aggressively it shook the house, he is definitely a fart bastard
by fart bastard July 23, 2022
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(Verb) : to kill a police officer, specifically, as the name suggests, using a Tommy gun
Only someone as brazen as Al Capone would dare to Tommy-pick a bastard, since not everyone has access to a Tommy gun.
by Sexydimma February 19, 2016
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(Tommy must always be with a capital T, in commemoration of the Tommy gun-Thompson submachine gun):

Verb: to kill, in a hail of bullets, a cop or a g-man, using, as the name suggest, a Tommy gun
If you are going to Tommy-pick a bastard, you might as well live, and die, like Al Capone, John Dillinger or Baby Face Nelson.
by Sexydimma December 5, 2015
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Politically unaffiliated with Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Christians, and any other tribal groups who want to bother me.
Here comes that mentally ill Joe who screams he is a sovereign anarcho rat bastard alla time watch out!
by Ignatz TC June 24, 2022
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