Someone who speaks so much slang that it’s a different language
D P Chakras Da Zongos Me Longo!”
“What’d he say?”
“I dunno he’s an Urban Dick
by Pop Candy July 5, 2022
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a dick that uses words off urban dictionary that no one else knows
bobby: your such a hjowiee
BIlly:quit being an urban dick no one knows what you mean
by Spraknar November 25, 2017
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(Noun) Someone who abuses and vandalizes this site with crude, childish, or hateful "definitions" which are in reality nothing but insults thrown from the safety of Internet anonymity.
It's sad how is being ruined by urban dicks. I downvote them as much as i can.
by The Phantom Logophile May 21, 2019
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An urban dick-tionary is when you go to the urban dictionary but then go onto a porn site for dictionary's.
I was horrified when I tried to go to the urban dictionary but went to the urban dick-tionary and saw two books flipping each others pages.
by June 2, 2021
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When you hear an obscure word or reference for something you don't know about and before asking any questions simply look it up on urban dictionary
User 1: Wtf is rule 34

User 2: Idk i'm urban dicking it
by Jamesiversonverizon July 18, 2010
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