You hear the twang in her voice? She must be from the south.
by Nappyheadedass March 22, 2021
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Word to describe someone with spunk, high pitched voice, and funny
can rly be used in any circumstance
damn that girl is so twangy i laugh every time i talk to her
by racheloosh December 27, 2022
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The tough and elastic skin that onnects the back of your scrotum (ballsack) to the area right before your anus. It expands and becomes thin when the temperature is hot, and shrivels up and becomes thick when the temperature is cold.
My twang was really dense in Alaska.
by The Chia Pet Farmer August 7, 2004
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The output of extreme skill with minimal effort.
How’s that for Twang?
by EligibleDef. October 12, 2019
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