When people can't explain an object they tend to call it thingy while still pondering on what it may be called.
by I_AM_BORED October 19, 2020
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when you don't know the name of something
girl: what is that?
guy: uhh.. idk.. thingy?
by monkey with parasites January 4, 2021
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It's a stick or something similar that cool girls say. Sometimes refered to as a stabby thingy.
by Toe knee 51 April 29, 2022
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A thing that spin's around and that amusses little kids. Maybe even grown-ups. It is found everywhere. We all played with one and we all want to have one.
-"Wow she can handle that Spinner Thingy very well!"
-"I've always wanted this Spinner Thingy!"
-"That's one large spinny thingy"
by Lil Boy Jimmy March 14, 2008
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a word you use incase you forget the actual word
can you pls get the thingy ma bob or ma bobby in my room
by joyful m October 15, 2022
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A thingy magiggy ma bob is a noun but you don’t know how to say it or if it’s a rude word

For example: hey I really like this thingy magiggy ma bob
My thingy magiggy ma bob is bigger than yours
by Profjdnslméd February 24, 2019
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The international holiday where everyone comes together in celebration of not only the airing of Dragon Maid season 2 but the introduction of the critically acclaimed character, Kobayashi's redacted
Aye bro you ready to celebrate National Kobayashi's Thingy Day?
by FF0000 July 7, 2021
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