Non-Binary Parent's Day is a day to celebrate parents that aren't just a Mother and/or a Father. It is celebrated on the 4th Sunday of July.
My parent doesn't like being lumped under mother's day, so we celebrate Non-binary Parent's Day instead.
by Jynjer June 16, 2024
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Non-binary and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that are not solely male or female. Non-binary identities fall under the transgender umbrella, since non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from their assigned sex, though some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender.
Jack: Brooo my sister just came out as non-binary yesterday
Henry: Fr?
Jack: Yeahhh
by Olivia_aperson April 3, 2023
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john- what are they
dave- they're non-binary
by Wolful24 July 28, 2021
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A person who doesn’t identify as a female or male, using they/them pronouns
Person 1:omg I love her outfit

Person 2: they are not a girl

Person1: what do you mean

Person2: they identify as a non-binary person
Person1: ohhh that’s cool! I still really like their outfit!
by June 15, 2022
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