There is a fair chance that the target person is called 'Stacy'. Such people don't seem to like a guy who tries to make them happy. Apparently they rather want somebody who doesn't care about them and just want to have sex with them.
If you meet such a person make sure to not give her what she wants, instead pump and dump her while acting cool to get her attraction first. Friends told me 20 minutes of attraction should be enough.
Man this girl was easy, all I did was act cool for 20 minutes and she had sex with me, leaving the guy who genuinely cared about her. This girl sure is stupid leaving such an amazing guy for a loser like me.Women who don't know the value of nice guys is a big problem in this day and age.
by MrSuccessful August 4, 2019
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When explaining something, but it would make no sense to anyone else that hears it. So at the end of the story you add YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.
"We were so high we licked the floor, like.... you don't even know."
by Runnin' This shit. April 25, 2005
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An angry expression of ignorance generally used in response to a specific inquiry.
- How do you think the cat got up there?
- I don't fucking know!
by FuckIfIKnow November 26, 2013
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Dane Cook's perfect representation of how it should be used. When in an arguement with your significant other this needs to be dropped at the end of the arguement when nothing else can be gained from the situation. Then one must promptly exit the room.
by Ryan Frazier March 15, 2008
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A phrase used when one either: (1) Does not know what is going on, (2) does not know what just happened, (3) does not know the answer to a question, (4) or simply would like to break the silence.

Usually, when said phrase is used, it is followed by a near-endless spree of other quotes such as:

1.) Psh, I don't even know.
2.) Aw hail naw.
3.) Aw hail naw, cracka.
4.) Mmm hmmmm!

The phrase "I don't even know" is best used in the classic "I don't even know" speaking tone, which may only be properly "voiced" by either a colossal, Japanese monster, a small cat/kitten, or a constantly hyper-active younger brother.
"Matt, why aren't you talking?"
"Psh, I don't even know!"
by I Gojira I October 31, 2007
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Significant other is fed up or exhausted with the idea of you being around them.
Justin, you are getting to be too much and I'm confused about how I should handle you! You have made me mad/annoyed for the last time!!
("I don't know what I'm going to do with you!" is to be aggravated or annoyed by one's actions)
by November 19, 2022
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A phrase used by anyone who knows it. which displays a "I don't care, but i do at the same time" feel when its said.
The X can be replaced with anything, but depending on what X is changes "what" and "means", if its a person, it would instead be "who" and "is".
Usually saying this phrase, they put on a depressed tone and slur their words, specifically "sounds", and "disappointing". Usually said like : "Soounds Disappoooointingg..."
I don't know what X means, but it sounds disappointing.
1. Hey, meet my friend Bob!
2. I don't know who Bob is, but it sounds disappointing...
1. Try this food!
2. I don't know what food means, but it sounds disappointing ...
by Generic Pseydonym January 9, 2017
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