Dike: noun) a dike is a word that an idiot named Caleb would say instead of dick because it’s slightly simaler but he really just sounds dumb
Caleb: dike, dike, dike, dike
by Nutbuster6349 March 9, 2018
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Amber is such a hoe dike, she slept with all the girls on the block!
by Kcboommm July 19, 2023
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Mr Dikes is a name associated with a pedo who likes to tickle little boys Mr dikes is a scary man.
Omg stop touching that little boy your suck a Mr Dikes
by Daddy aka ossian June 17, 2019
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Prepubescent realization of ones gay tendencies. Being a real big dike.
The level of dike-hood they possessed impresses me for being so young.
by Daren williams November 5, 2020
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