during coitus, the giver pulls his member out of the receiver to wipe her juices across her face, and then continues penetration...repeating every 5 minutes to keep her moist and cooking.
Last night I was totally face basting this girl and it dried her eyes shut.
by frankysixfingers April 24, 2011
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(v) the act of spreading semen over bread and force feeding it to sexual partner
He said it was low calorie butter, but I think he was basting the bread!
by the wtf effect February 20, 2012
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A bread of Canada's finest female mountie. The ironic mis-spelling of best goes to show why women should stay in the kitchen. They can normally be found creeping around in random areas of canada, usually riding a horse. These creatures are very dangerous since they never sleep.
Chuck: Holy crap!! Is that Bast Mountie riding a horse!? | David: bast rides a h0rse? | Chuck: ya bro
by Explode_Bomb August 15, 2011
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a chic that is trying to get pregnant but doesnt tell the guy shes sleeping with
"What a turkey basting whore"
by tricia November 24, 2004
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Bothering one with random, inconsequential nonsense, such as e-mails full of shit you don't care about or text messages that drive you insane with insane blabber.
I've been trying to dump my on-line boyfriend for months, but he keeps basting my balls via e-mail with stupid bullshit I don't find cute anymore.
by SlimShadee October 7, 2014
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A flash bast*rd is someone with a very high opinion of themselves, almost never backed up with any substance. Usually a male of the species, wearing flashy clothes, driving a flashy car, but with no real substance.
So-and-so's a real Flash Bast*rd.
by Ballen January 25, 2006
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wash your genitals (male)

A turtle's head retracts much like a penis does. During ultrasound examinations, male gender is said to be seen as the "turtle sign" because the penis looks like a turtle head and the scrotum resembles the shell.
Dude, I've been sweating all day. I've got to go baste my turtle before I go out tonight.
by Ritaroo2 June 14, 2008
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