The Flash. Portrayed by Grant Gustin. Grew up with his best friend Iris and her dad Joe West because his mother, Nora Allen, was murdered by a speedster (which was in fact trying to kill young Barry) and his father was declared guilty and sent to prison for a life sentence. 15 years later, he was struck by lighting and fell into a coma for 9 months. When he woke up, he had developed the power of super speed and was now the fastest man alive. He started working on S.T.A.R. Labs with Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow and Dr. Harrison Wells, who really was Eobard Thawne which was the reverse flash and was the man that killed Barry's mom.

Barry Allen is a hero and my future husband
Barry Allen is the fastest man alive.
by xoxo Meg November 19, 2016
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The biggest savage in the known universe.
Also a band teacher.
Knows every instrument.
Holy shit, is that Barry Dove?!?
by Ur big daddy September 23, 2016
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A great basketball player from the 1960s and 70s who played for the Golden State Warriors. He shot his free throws underhanded and was the NBA's all-time leader in free throw percentage.

He's also an enormous douche of a human being. He made racist remarks about Bill Russell on TV, called a Michael Jordan dunk a "Chinese Superman" because it "had a slant to it", walked out on 2 separate families, and only came back into his sons' lives when they became famous basketball players, just so he could take all of the credit.
Rick Barry wonders why he can't get an NBA head coaching job, but I think it's pretty obvious. Most people don't want to hire a washed-up, arrogant, assholish, has-been douchebag as their coach.
by Jamaal "Silk" Wilkes January 13, 2009
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To have a raging Barry means to have an erection of a large magnitude.
I saw that Amy the other day and got a Raging Barry.
by Nerdvana93 April 29, 2013
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A euphemism that can be used in the place of Blow Job.
Did Clayton tell you? His girlfriend finally gave him a Barry Johnson.
by JM Shade August 25, 2008
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A dude who is secretly in love with ella . All the girls love him and he has an english accent
by oppositegirl April 3, 2015
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