The lower strap of a thong that dictates whether the user will have it up his/her ass or not.
Her authority strap crept right up her ass last night.
by Bailey Cox July 6, 2008
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A saying to describe a member trying to get a rise out of a staff member. This is a common saying for either Discord Admins or admins on any other platform.
Some dude in a discord server I am in posted a meme in general chat and was banned because he was testing the authority of the admins.
by xx_memes_xx September 21, 2022
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It is when the police do not thoroughly practice accountability.

The LVMPD knew about ED BUCK'S the politician DRUG den but no accountability at the HOMOSEXUAL BATH HOUSES OR DEJA VU both locatiions , FANTASY WORLD, and ADULT SUPERSTORE for RAMPANT drug use.

The LAPDOG ZOMBIE and SWICHERRUES are a barrier to accountability by the POLICE.
The LVMPD quipped about me chasing a roommate with a 10 inch knife when I was the VICTIM at WYNN and SPRING MOUNTAIN which because of their LAX POLICE AUTHORITY I had no trust for HENDERSON POLICE either because the T-SHIRT I had not warn yet was botched which precipitated the attack and in turn I lost a lot of money , assets and my very home I had found.

The drugs being disregarded appreciably by LVMPD having LAX POLICE AUTHORITY has led more often to even more violent outcomes in this jurisdictions and others around the UNITED SYATES as a big example CLEVELAND OHIO.

The LAX POLICE AUTHORITY loses an incentive with RACKETEERING behavior as the LAPDOG ZOMBIE AND SWITCHERRUES are a real good example of their RACKETEERING.
When an audience either applies 'Death of the Author' or goes against the personal desires of said author. Often while this person, group or company is still alive.
This can include 'new cannon' being ignored, 'fan cannon', copying a game they want to remove, or adding mods more entertaining than dlcs, etc.
"Hey where can I get that horror game P.T?"
"Oh, they pulled that off the shelves for some reason. Pretty stupid if you ask me, its a great game"
"Yeah, luckily a bunch of people just copied the data and now spread it for free, real Coup of The Author."
by vertgeburger November 3, 2022
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Aunt Julie is the author of Paddleduck Julie, A little girl from Texas. First time publisher of children's books about her childhood in Texas. This is a collection of lively short stories for the young and young at heart.
Author Paddleduck is an adventurous and mischievous girl who likes to have fun. Paddleduck did not want to go to school. Paddleduck was getting ready to start the school year. She had to catch the bus early to get to school on time and be ready to start at 8:00 AM. She begged her mom not to make her go. Lo and behold, she heard a commotion outside. She went to look out the window, and all her friends were playing at the bus stop. YES! Paddleduck was ready to join her friends. Her mom handed her lunch bag to her, and off she went.
by author paddleduck May 20, 2011
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Derived from an occupy human rights video in which a man steps inside a residence and performs an illegal search and arrest all because he had a mustache that gave others the impression that he held some kind of real authority.
Guy- Man that guy had some real mustache authority going in their house like that in that video
Girl- Dude he didn't even have a mustache...
by B3K4H November 12, 2015
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