ramming a bowling trophy in a persons anus
by jjackson74 September 27, 2012
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When your lady is on the rag and won’t give you a blowjob to compensate. So you you jerk off using your hand that fell asleep.
Last night , with Cindy, I had a Flat Tire, No Spare, And a Stranger Stopped to Help.
by Caesar The Baby May 24, 2018
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being afraid to contact people and left them out and don't contact them at all to not confront yourself with apologies or reasons why you don't contact them. Kind of self-protection. One's doing it especially to people you don't see often for example: aunt, uncle, grandparents, long distance friendships, e.g...
"My parents? Oh I am sparing them. Had no time tho",

"I am only sparing - I'm gonna die alone AHAHAH"
by Zappelli May 5, 2020
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When your girlfriend has been on mad one for days and her voice has finally given. So now you can finally be brave and wind her up properly , as there is no consequence for you current self, but for you future self, of whom you empathize but self destructively cannot save, much like your partners voice.
Shut up with that spare change voice. I didn't care then , and I don't now , setal petal. If you want to use your mouth you can Nosh us off like a good crackhead, as your ears are sick of your own voice box, and that's why it's cut out.

And I swear if your spastic ass hits me one more time, you will Mr Tumble down those stairs.
(Clap between syllables towards her towards the end to add in a little phizaz women love it)
by Pom123 April 9, 2022
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"If you buy just one of something, you will surely break it almost immediately, but if you buy one or more "spare" items to have "just in case", your "initial" item will miraculously escape damage no matter how many mishaps you endure, and thus those duplicate items will merely gather dust in the garage or at the back of your desk-drawer."
I have always tried to handle objects gently and carefully, but due to extreme forgetfulness and physical/mental/emotional infirmities, I tend to "be rough on my stuff" --- sitting/stepping on unobserved items, blundering into objects as I'm groggily stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night, soiling items or spilling/dropping stuff, etc., and so I occasionally attempt to "prepare for the future" by acquiring spares of the types of items which I typically seem to damage or break; only prob is that just as soon as I do "lay in for a rainy day" like that, the "currently-being-used" object that I had been procuring said spares for NEVER SEEMS TO ACTUALLY SUSTAIN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, and so all of those extras that I'd carefully tucked away just "sit there for decades"... talk about a classic case of "Murphy's Law of Spares"!
by QuacksO November 23, 2018
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Evas/slag favourite place to be when it’s her sesh.
by Cjd118 June 30, 2022
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The act of a man releasing his masculine fluids inside a woman's belly button. While time passes the jyzz turns into a crust-like form. The woman then picks the jyzz out with her finger before sucking on it until she receives intense cotton mouth.
Suzie ate her spare lint while jerking off to the young man jonny.
by kamasutra's protégée August 18, 2011
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