hes this guy in BUS 30 and hes so fucking adorable and he has rEd and bLack hair and hEs so fuCkiNg fuNny. ive had to sit by him 5 times and hes just sO funny and adorable ilovehimsomuch. and i actually found out where he lived but i am not telling anYbody!!!
friend: hey weres redhead!
me: i dont know over there
friend: aw hes so cute
by xiumin addict September 22, 2018
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Bro she is a redhead you better run while you still can.
by DigBickBrad October 9, 2020
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a girl who shall be smashed and are the freakiest
that redhead shall be smashed
by meshynub October 7, 2019
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As the name suggests they have red hair, but they're not normal. They're pale as all hell and have at least one freckle. Aliens, they are also aliens. So put on your tinfoil hats when in the presence of one.
I put on my tinfoil hat, whenever I saw the redhead enter the room
by Mr.Butterboi March 8, 2023
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A person with no soul and is most likely to know Ed Sheeran or is a Redstone Torch@
by Queen Elizbeth November 5, 2022
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