Something the Criminologist doesn't have.
by jesus beans July 22, 2003
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Just like one's face, the neck gets acne too!
by psssttt13 June 18, 2011
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"Dang bro, your mom died. Dang, that's a neck. I feel bad for you."
"Shut up, I no longer have a home, I live on the streets, is that funny bro?"
"I'm sorry, but that's a neck."
by Mauch January 31, 2019
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Is a person who you feel is not using their head in a situation. Then, it can refer to a person who is forget.
Bob, called his friend a "no neck", because of his decision not to stay in school.
by Donnie Cecil June 8, 2003
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when two people rub necks for a long period of time..usually under the influence of alcohol
michelle enjoys necking people..example :matt pearson
by October 21, 2010
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short for "Bottleneck". The top section of a bottle broken off about 2 to 3 inches long with a girrick in the end to hold the weed and prevent it from being sucked down the throat when it is lit from the jagged end.
Lets have a decent skyf. Make a neck.
by SilvermaN May 4, 2007
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Modern day way of saying, "made ya look", when causing someone to turn their head to look at something that isn't really there.
guy- It's snowing
::other guy looks out the window::
by JW March 15, 2005
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