Hes a big dick sometimes but he has a small dick hes not hot or nice hes the worst person ever
Garretts such a dick no one likes him
by Kjiblets February 27, 2017
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Claims he hooked up with a ginger and that he was a stoner in North Carolina but is really just a big lier he’s cool at times tho
I beat up Garrett.
by GlooI January 25, 2018
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"He just told me to shove a massive Bambi splinter in my urethra, fucking Garretts"
by A Fucking Cunt December 9, 2016
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awesome sexy guy who has his heart set on finding the right girl and is an amzing incredibly sexy man. his hobbies include airsoft and wrestling. he is often called a teddy bear. he is also incredible in bed.
by cupcake1897 March 14, 2013
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The most handsome boy you'll ever meet. He has the most perfect smile and dimples, when he smiles your heart will melt. He can be very shy and quiet but when he meets the right friends he'll become very outgoing and popular. Sometimes garrett can be a big asshole, but they can also be genuine and caring. He will make you fall in love over and over again every time you look into his big eyes. Garrett is tall and very stylish, he always knows what to wear. He will probably reject you if you tell him how you feel so if you get a chance to have him KEEP HIM!! He also has a contagious laugh that radiates happiness in a room. Garretts are very smart but don't show it and have lots of friends. He's also probably a baseball boy and hits dingers every time he might have trouble talking with the girls even though he knows how hot he is. All in all Garretts are very attractive and popular people that everyone wants to be friends with.
Wow! garret is so hot
garrett's girlfriend is a lucky girl!
by the definition ma$ter November 20, 2019
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A sex position similar to doggy style on a bbq grill while steaks are cooking beneath you
Jacob did The Garrett with the dog at the family barbecue
by Jonahisthethiccestmanintheland December 10, 2019
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Someone that never contributes food to social gatherings
Josh is going to be a Garrett this thanksgiving
by Garrett is always late November 19, 2022
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