When you do something really cool you pull an Ellis
"omg that was so ellis" or "can you try that again to make it so totally ellis"
by Vicorita December 23, 2005
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A name for a beautiful girl with ocean blue eyes and a kickass personality. Elli's are also known to have nice perfectly sculpted asses. Elli's can be scarcastic and mean, but beneath their tough exterior is a loveable vivacious soul.
jimmy: that girl is mean, but she has a nice ass.

larry:Nah, thats elli, you just have to get to know her, she's really loveable.

tom:yea, im going to marry her.
by oceaneyes3123 October 18, 2011
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Ellie is probably one of the best people you will ever meet. She is extremely chaotic, slightly hilarious and bubbly. Her vibe sounds like Pluto Projector (3:00-3:56) by Rex Orange County. She is the one person in the world, who truly is worth Louis Tomilnson and Harry Styles’ love.
Dr Will Halstead: omg who is that awesome and amazing person?! She must be an Ellie, I HAVE to get her number!!
Niall: woah dude calm down - she’s dating LOUIS TOMILNSON!
by lukelly4 March 26, 2022
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The name Elli is a name which contains extreme loyalty and adventure. Friends are extreamly important to an Elli, she has a good grasp on reality but also loves to roam in her own world whenever she can, a girl with the name of Elli can be very commited to the things she loves. She is talented in a lot of ways and can charm anyone she would want to. However when an Elli falls in love, that lucky person is the only person she would charm. An Elli is a very generouse person and would give up almost anything for her friends and family. She can be extreamly sweet and caring, however if you pull her strings wrong she'll snap without a second thought. Especially when it comes to her friends, when someone talks bad about her friends or family she will consider you an enemy. An Elli doesnt hate easily and she easily forgives anyone so long as that person sencerily means it when they appologize. However if they break her trust again she will be quick to break you back. She takes extreme care and she has a heart full of grace and can love a person like no other, however she does need proper care and she is fragile despite the tough exterior she tries to hold. A girl names Elli could easily fit the definition of perfect with a very nice body, and a personality like no other. She can be friends with a lot of different people which can be hard on her because planning things can get hard. But she needs all her friends and she will be loyal to the ones that are loyal to her.
Nate: yeah, she's Elli, there isn't anyone else that can compare to her.
John: you are lucky to be on her good side, lucky to know her at all.
by BeautySeeker479 June 6, 2018
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A beautiful girl, usually a Cancer, unique just like the spelling of her name, has a very nice booty, all the girls envy her. Doesn't give a crap about anyone, loves herself more than anyone else in the planet. Usually a romantic, loves romance movies and is a sucker for love. Loves to stand out. Very spoilt and just loves to shop in general. You either love her or hate her. Haters hate because they're jealous and lovers love her because of her perfect smile.
Damn, look at that booty, im sure that belongs to an Elly!
by princess jasmine kim April 13, 2011
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Ellie’s are the best sort of people . Despite having their own problems Ellie’s are always there for you and always brighten the mood . Ellie’s tend to be quiet extroverts . They always give great advice usually from personal experience. Although quiet at first Ellie’s become crazy when comfortable with you. They are always up for everything and are very laid back . Ellie’s are extremely loyal and will do almost everything for their friends. They always exude natural beauty and no makeup is needed to perfect them as they are already amazing . They never realise how amazing they are despite everyone telling them differently . Ellie’s love coffee. This means they have lots of energy. They will always have coffee with them. If they don’t have a daily coffee you will know about it lmao. The only downside too an Ellie is their clumsiness. They often knock things over or spill a whole flask of tea in a school canteen . This is always hilarious though so it’s not really a downside. I guess what I’m saying is if you manage to find a rare Ellie keep them . They will be your best friend for life xx
Look at that popular beautiful girl over there

Oh she must be an Ellie
by Wild writer June 2, 2020
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Smart, funny and sexy, she will always be there for you. An ellie will most likely marry a Kane, She is a good friend and an good example to all. She is very feisty and very beautiful.
I wish I was like Ellie”
#Smart #Fiesty
by Jpaukerrrrr December 19, 2017
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