its a word for describing cloths. usually jeans and something made of hard cotton like fabric
Example 1: oh! he is wearing a pair of denim clad jeans.
Example 2: whatta denim clad snowsuit!
by huzail December 17, 2015
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a lost snob that his lip is so damn big that the world can bounce on. Damn thats big lip denim.
Wow why tf is that lip so big!!!!! Dont Let Denim Liptre Lip buss dawgg
by Javii October 18, 2016
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rubbing, tugging, or massaging the genitals of one's lover, exterior to their jeans.
I don't really know if I got to 3rd base or not, because all I got from her over the past 3 hours of making out was a "Denim Delight"
by The Wisconsin Idealist March 6, 2011
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Did you see the Denim Dam on Betty? It looked like a three fold wallet!
by ToeDirt August 23, 2016
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1. When a woman refuses her anatomy but will merely accept friction between denim, often causing a jean boner.

Some who experience this sensation report "blue balls" and/or 1/8th of orgasm.

2. When you don't get to go all the way with the girl you're hooking up with
Me: "man, how far'd you get with that chick last night"

Sam: "Denim dick man"
by DontQ January 9, 2016
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the best trapper to come up with lyrics to make a banger song
denime/the best trapper , he hopped on a song with me and that shizz got me 1k views!
by yrnhernez October 30, 2018
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