90% of the definitions on this website are bullshit. They're just illiterate douchebags who ruin their lives with drugs and being arrested 30 thousand times.
by A-person_yay April 28, 2014
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National Rifle Association.
Ku Klux Klan.
British National Party.
European Union.
American Nazi Party.
Most of what comes out of a far-right-wing and far-left-wing's mouth.
by ComradeDmitri May 26, 2004
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-yo,look who's coming
-oh shit,the bullshit express
-yeah,com'on lets get lost
by can142 March 15, 2007
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-The stuff coming out of a bulls ass
`The Iraqi people have got weapons of mass destruction!`
-`Oh no, that is bullshit`
by Jhonssens November 21, 2007
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Talking in relation to things that have no real importance or purpose. Talking to someone for the sake of talking,
"My roommate and I stayed up bullshitting about our days for an hour."
"The guys and I were bullshitting while waiting for some work to come our way."
by hetzelthespian February 22, 2013
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Entirely false information often solicited by Jehovah Witnesses, politicians, and common everyday hicks. Also as a verb: soliciting said information.
My, George W. , what a great Bullshiter you are.
Am. hist. teacher:"Now, why did you choose to take Am. Hist.?"
student:"I like learning about those who made our country what it is."
teacher:"what excellent bullshit
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"People these days always call it "anal intercourse" or "anal rape." Bullshit. Cornhole. It's a man's word: shotgun, chainsaw, cornhole." -George Carlin
by :Plolzugotzcornholedz August 13, 2010
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