redon roblox pro is a name/nickname for people who are pro in roblox and love mcdonalds and coke. redon roblox pro can also be used for people who gets a stupid amount of girls daily.
alex: hey are you a redon roblox pro

normal guy: no

alex: i dont want to fuck you then...
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When you randomly call out a professional athlete who are clearly more superior then you at the sport that you’re better than them.
Average Joe: Hey Will Gadd!
Will Gadd: yea?
Average Joe: I’m a better ice climber than you.

Will Gadd: did that guy just pro call me?
by Schluckschwein December 3, 2021
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A person who can out you for as much as 1p wet people fam
This dickhead pro outted me for that girl bruv he's a wetguy yuno
by Essy from grove December 24, 2020
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Spymaster Pro é o especialista líder na área de soluções de rastreamento de telefones celulares. Oferecemos a melhor tecnologia de monitoramento de telefones celulares, garantindo que nossos clientes sejam recebidos com uma interface amigável. Sua jornada continua conosco mesmo após a compra do produto. Acreditamos na excelência no atendimento ao cliente, por isso contamos com uma equipe dedicada e sempre pronta para receber suas dúvidas.
Spymaster Pro é o especialista líder na área de soluções de rastreamento de telefones celulares. Oferecemos a melhor tecnologia de monitoramento de telefones celulares, garantindo que nossos clientes sejam recebidos com uma interface amigável. Sua jornada continua conosco mesmo após a compra do produto. Acreditamos na excelência no atendimento ao cliente, por isso contamos com uma equipe dedicada e sempre pronta para receber suas dúvidas.
by spymasterprobr September 8, 2022
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An expression referring to a type of person who maintains an image or an implied level of professional skill, while not having a clue as to what the fuck they're supposed to be doing. Often has a truly vague job description and earns twice your paycheck or more.
Q: Shouldn't we run this by that guy who handles strategic corporate digital alliances or something?
A: Don't even bother. Dude's just a surface pro.
by Hansel San November 30, 2017
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Someone who is very talented/ or professional in their field of work.
Jamie - "Geez thats a nice painting there" *admires*
Curator - "Yes indeed sir, it is in fact the Mona Lisa"
Jamie - "Whoever must of done, must of been super pro"
by randomnobody2nobody October 18, 2010
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A vastly misunderstood definition. People who have actually taken middle school biology and passed the embryology unit. People who can name the seven characteristics of any living thing. Lastly, people who have enough common sense to apply that knowledge to real life observations.
Protestor: my body my choice!
Pro-lifer: the baby’s body is not your body. *points to your local library* go read a biology textbook bandwagoner.
by stellar_mushroom July 20, 2022
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