Girls or women who claim a certain characteristic they present makes them special and different from other women or "other girls." Pick me girls use these characteristics to portray themselves as superior, and therefore more deserving of a partnership.
"It's so weird I just love food, I don't understand how all the other girls don't."

"Did you hear what she just said? She's such a pick me girl."
by Smooth Cactus December 24, 2021
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A pick me girl is a type of girl that pretends she is one of the boys, has a crush on literally every single boy in the group and claims to like sports (even though she doesn't even know what that is) and pretends to not wear makeup (when obviously she does) to get the boys' attention. She also tends to fish for compliments and claim that she is small/short...
-Oh my god Tyler stop mocking my size you dork!
-Dude, she is such a pick me girl...
by fresh.perspective101 January 16, 2022
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shayan jahashanibitch
“hey look it’s a pick me girl” “nope that’s just shayan
by ieatpussay March 7, 2022
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