A drinking game consisting of completing 10 shots of liquor to the drinker’s choice, followed by shotgunning a 16oz energy drink of the drinker’s choice.
Want to do a Race to the Sea with me?

Sure….get the fireball and Red Bull from the fridge.
by Buschlight September 3, 2021
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An action done under caution right before the green flag. This is done intentional when the leader knows he is fixing to be beat by the second place car. Considered by most to be a chicken shit action.
I did a racing brake check right before the green flag dropped to get separation from second place. I won the race even though I caused them damage…
by Racer Logic July 17, 2022
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The way modern companies make sure to include a member of every race in everything they do.
"Did you see the new skittles ad? It's pretty funny."
"The one with race bingo?"
by turnip13 November 29, 2022
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At the end of a nitrous binge, you know in your fucking haze you did not do at least 1 or 2, so everybody starts digging through carts looking for a sealed one.
Man did you see those wooks fucking cart racing?
by Punky Wookster January 17, 2020
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A car that is intended to be used in races, usually has modifications like larger engine, turbos, superchargers and no air conditioning.
Gomez thinks he has a race car, but he really has a car with a broken down air conditioner.
by Gomezismybitch August 2, 2017
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