Austin a guy who people like most of the time but is actually a dumb lanky white kid the no ones likes
by Condom sucker December 29, 2022
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a low life who only cares about himself and never trusts a soul even though he was not given a reason not to trust.
Don’t talk to austin he’s a looser
by s___a July 16, 2020
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Someone who likes to love people no matter the age and where and is usually the person to person to whip his penis out on to a child
by No one likes anyone August 27, 2019
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Austin is truly an sweetheart; but unlike many Austins, this one is an simple angel.
He loves every living thing that is very hard to look past, to people who don't even deserve it.
Austin is passionate. He loves college basketball, baseball, something of an artist and one hell of an musician, but somehow he's always made time to make them happy, and you know it will all be worth it to pay attention to what Austins fire in his eyes, noticing the little things he does makes their day much worthwhile.

Austin is pure, he has hair an golden wheat field and deep hazel eyes where you can see eden. He is always the first and last person you see, no matter what you've did, where you have been. He's more loyal and caring than what we ever could ever elude to without an illusion. It's unreal that his girlfriend ever had him. They could only be so young to know what it even means to be for one another, but in the end, it doesn't really matter what you call love. It's just another branch of peaceful happiness you found in one another. It's hard to find, for everyone. With Austin, salvation she'd never thought could be on earth, saved her. she began to manifest an young heart again. Maybe even regressed a little to a innocent time where the sun shone above his face and reflected through to see what she longed for her whole life,but never could touch the surface until now,she has someone to hold her and heal she never dared to see with content: How to open your heart to an stranger.
Austin helped me find what makes me feel pure and clean again, after the live lived where phases had no color and all i thought of was "when am I going to get out of here?"
by Eliza-Lit77 March 16, 2020
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Person: look it Austin
Austin: who’s vape am I hitting?
by Mr.Shoomboom March 29, 2023
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A kind, smart, talented, yet ferocious woman. Will do anything for her family, and is as loyal as they come. Has incredible taste for good food, and loves nothing more than a flannel wielding man. Often misunderstood, she’s Lovable with a beautiful face and an incredible body to match. The girl everyone wants to have - but only the most skilled fisherman can capture.
“ Is that an austin? “
“ look at that beautiful face and amazing body and the flannel next to her. Of course that’s austin
by Mybeardsbig November 23, 2021
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