The cursed definition of jumping on a trampoline. Users use the word trampolining in internet GIFs, using mostly anime characters ahem- "jumping."
"God i love trampolining"
by TheWeirdMemer July 25, 2022
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An athletic male who spends most of their day doing insane flips on their trampoline. They are often considered popular and hilarious because of their athletic ability and sense of humor. They usually play sports such as soccer. which they are very good at. For some reason, they get lots of girls. Their fashion consist of a t shirt with the logo of the travel team they play on, some Nike shorts and slides when in the city, but usually, they are barefoot.
Guy 1: Yo who's that guy with the soccer jersey and shorts who just did a back flip off the ground?
Guy 2: Lemme see... Travel soccer jersey, shorts and barefoot, must be a trampoline bro.
by oooooofff January 16, 2018
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A new swearword able to dodge the Youtube demonetisation scheme.
Created by Ciaran Carlin in his bedroom 2019
Stephen tries smells l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ like a trampoline diddler
by zaackingdom March 21, 2019
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Someone who farts in your face in a trampoline and it smells like atomic bomb
Ewww Jacob is totally a Trampoline Carter
by Lego my ego! September 28, 2022
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When a part of a girl's body is so big and perky you want to bounce a part of your body on it.
"When she took her shirt off i had to bounce my dick on them, they were trampoline worthy!"
by MintyDictionary July 17, 2015
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