Gary: hey bro what are u up to today?

Juan: bro, im gonna go MAD

Gary: oooh, uuh, see ya later? umm bye

Juan: ;)
by sryoloXO96 December 12, 2011
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While the word madness has many meanings, the simplest and most widely accepted is that madness is in fact *not* Sparta, but could very well be blasphemy.
Person A: Dude this is blasphemy, it's madness...
Person B: Naw bro, this is Sparta.
by FatManMGS2 December 6, 2007
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When you write something on Urban dictionary and you read your email and it says it didn't get published
*checks email to see if it's publishes*

some visitors decided ____ was not published
*screams out loud*
by It's_Britney_B November 9, 2019
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Even though I use 'mad' with the other meanings on here, I can't believe I haven't seen THIS yet. 'Mad' in Australian culture also means something like 'freaking awesome'.
'If only she dyed her hair purple instead, she would've looked so mad.'

'You got a new puppy?! No way, that's mad.'
by yeahgirlitstinks October 20, 2019
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Another way of saying "very"
He's mad sexy in those jeans.

She mad focused on science.
by DayZzz October 27, 2020
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Mad Mad Mario is a video on YouTube which shows how fucking nuts Mario really is.
"Mario! You have to help! Bowser kid"
"I know I know captured the Goddamned princess! And all you fuckheads are too retarded to get her back!"
Mad Mad Mario video 4
by FF918 September 11, 2013
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His Name is Shil Patel and I dont have to DEFINE IT!!!!
ur MAD N I DON HAVE TO DEFINE IT coz thts u.
by Nikoo March 12, 2008
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