1)A Pimp Daddy making top Dollar from exploiting poor hoes to rich men with a lot of sexual needs.

2)Something you want to be.

3)The highest pimp of them all.

Damn look at Pimp Daddy Dolla' hes fly,
by Pimp Daddy Dolla' himself December 5, 2005
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A guy who wears a FCUK sweater, claims he's a baller when making 14$ an hour.

"Ed, look up , this is something you don't have that i do. Sorry buddy you still have to eat out at Churches Chicken with your date when she comes back to Vancouver. Sorry but i get paid 14 an hour, and you work where? Denny's restaurant? I'm a 14 dolla bolla!"

by asdlfkj March 28, 2007
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girls that have lotsa BF's and are DAMN PROUD!!!
ME and the 6 dolla ho's are so fuckin hot!!!!!
by 6 dolla August 17, 2003
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Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. There is a part with a vietnamese hooker who says this. She also says "Me love you long time". Her words have been quoted countless times, and Full Metal Jacket is one of the most referenced movies of all time. If it was before your generation, you should go watch it.

You can say this is just about any situation if you want people to laugh.
Doctor: "Damnit, he's bled out, we've lost him"
Attendant: "Sucky! Sucky! Five Dolla!"
by wtfisapseudnym September 12, 2010
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What Cartman of South Park likes to shout when he is in the belief that he is Vietnamese Prostitute called Ming Lee.
"Sucky! sucky! five dolla!"
"Give me eight dollar socia-boy I love you long time"
"Ten dollar? Sucky sucky?!"
by bandanasarerad November 8, 2006
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A rapper from West Virginia who has worked with artist such as E.Ness and Maino. Some call him Dirty Hun for short. He is best known for his YouTube video's about Fat Women.
"Did you hear that new Dirty Hundred Dolla Bill ?" steve
"Hell Yeah that shit was bangin." bill
by jennyfromtheblock56 April 7, 2009
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1. to give a blow job, for five dollers
2. to suck on nipples, for five dollers
1.you want sucky sucky, five dolla!
2. (pretty much same as #1)
by zachizzo October 21, 2003
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