The phrase used by George Bush during his campagin to show his more affectionate side. It's like a redneck shooting cans with a paintball gun rather than a rifle to be more affection. To get a better understanding read the story of the lions:

One day, one lion said to another "compassionate predator...i like it"
Compassionate conservative- Americans are hopeful that in Bush's second term, the compassionate side will kick in.
by Bubba207 September 25, 2005
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Watch where you step out in that pasture, don't wanna get compassionate conservative on your shoes.
by Alex Stockwell May 10, 2007
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A mythical creature rumored to exist in the Washington D.C. area, yet no photographs exist, and physical evidence has ever been produced that would prove its existance.

See also: Bigfoot, Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, UFO
5 year olds believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa, and the Easter Bunny, but even they know that the mythical Compassionate Conservative is bullshit.
by Brandon Ped. February 28, 2008
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1. Compassionate conservative is an oxymoron; George W. Bush is just a moron.
2. Mike M. from our school
3. National Socialist
4. Fascist
5. Mussolini
"That's just frankly despicable." - Mike M.
by 8R4193N May 30, 2004
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When your significant other is unable to perform sexually but still thinks of you. She takes care of your sexual build up.
My girlfriend is having her period, but since is so apothinary she gave me a blow job for a compassionate release.
by detIinv785 March 8, 2020
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