1. A specific plan or routine that involves taking a consistent, minimum dose of caffeine in the morning and a consistent, minimum dose of melatonin at night in order to improve the chances of falling asleep at night.

2. A strategy used to regulate sleep patterns and improve overall sleep quality by balancing daytime alertness and nighttime sleepiness.

3. A way to hack your own biology by manipulating the levels of two naturally occurring compounds in your body.
I'm trying to develop a healthy sleep routine, so I've started a Caffeine-Melatonin Regimen and I'm sticking to it.
by Phieyl January 16, 2023
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When you take in an excess amount of caffeine before bed in hopes of falling asleep before the caffeine takes effect.
“You’re getting caffeine this late??”
Yeah man, caffeine roulette!”
by Zakxd November 29, 2021
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