sum dead purple guy called william acton who killed kids. He was the co-owner of fazbear entertainment until he killed the other co-owners kid and the co-owner (henry Emily) killed himself using circus baby. then william was lured into a springlock suit by the first 5 kids he killed and he died (lol get fukt m8). now he possesses the spring lock suit and is now known as springtrap / scraptrap.
"its been so long, the last I've seen my son lost to this monster, to the man behind the slaughter."
by HajimemeXDXD September 22, 2020
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who is that man anyways? and who is slaugther?
who is that man behind the slaughter?
man: what im doing here???
slaughter: who am i???
by riganman!@# April 30, 2020
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The single phrase that ends all of humanity, ur granny tranny, ur sister a mister,ur son a nun, are minuscule to this
1:Ur mom gay
2: Ur dad lesbian
1: Well, ur granny tranny
2:no u
1: Ur grandpap trap
2:Ur sister a mister
1: shut up
2:Ur brother a mother
1:Ur son a nun
2:Don’t make me
1:U won’t, no balls
2: Ur daughter a slaughter
1: *Instantly vanishes then burns in hell and a black hole appears destroying the universe*
by Crystoops March 28, 2018
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1. Any term that refers to anything cliche or immature. Could be used as an adjective or a noun.

2. A group of prison inmates that have formed knitting clubs to keep them warm at night.
1. The movie 'Step Brothers' was pretty slaughter strike sunday if you ask me.

2. I would join a slaughter strike sunday because it's so damn cold!
by Platypus Pincher March 26, 2009
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One of the best lines in "Undertale the Musical" by LHUGHNEY.
I've got no patience, got no resolve. I will slaughter, screw the dialogue.
by Terraria_OOF January 6, 2021
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I'll slaughter your face in!
I made this up one day. I got really mad at this girl. And..I just said it....I make up a lot of what i say. Cause You know. I do DAT.
- I'll slaughter your face in!!!
- ....Well....

People don't know how to respond to it. It's funny.
by Melon May 12, 2004
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